December 2008
PLYMOUTH - Many working families are facing tough times this holiday season, including the workers locked out of their jobs at Progress Casting in Plymouth.
Some 160 workers represented by Glass Molders and Pottery International Union Local 63B have been locked out of their jobs since Oct. 27. The workers are struggling to make ends meet as the holidays approach and the lockout continues.
Company executives said they will keep the workers locked out until they accept management's final contract offer, which demands a number of concessions. In the meantime, temporary employees have been hired.

The union has set up a fund to assist members. Donations may be sent to "GMP 63B Relief Fund," 2520 Kennedy St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413.
Supporters also are asked to write Progress Casting to urge an end to the lockout. Letters may be sent to Bill Bieber (owner) or Tim Meador (general manager), Progress Casting, 2600 Niagara Lane N., Plymouth, MN 55447.
Related article: puts spotlight on lockout at Plymouth foundry