of the Service Employees International Union take the action in response to the company encouraging restaurant owners to oppose the proposed Employee Free Choice Act, a union spokeswoman says.
December 23, 2008
Union Hands Out Leaflets at McDonald’s Restaurants
Union activists distributed fliers at nearly 100 McDonald’s restaurants nationwide Thursday, December 18, encouraging workers and customers to support federal legislation designed to make it easier for workers to unionize.
Members of the Service Employees International Union took the action in response to Oak Brook, Illinois-based McDonald’s Corp.’s encouraging restaurant owners to oppose the proposed Employee Free Choice Act, a union spokeswoman said.
“We want people to support the Employee Free Choice Act so workers have the right to organize without fear and harassment,” the spokeswoman said. “It remains to been seen whether McDonald’s will stop its lobbying activity against the bill.”
The bill, currently pending in Congress and supported by President-elect Barack Obama, would eliminate secret ballots in union organizing votes and allow unions to organize a workplace by obtaining the signatures of a majority of the employees on registration cards.
FULL story at link.