Posted by Daveparts in Editorials & Other Articles
Tue Dec 30th 2008, 10:25 AM 1582 Pope Gregory XIII issued a decree dropping ten days from the calendar; his power was immense yet still today not all follow his decree. Globalism is sold to us the same way, that it is inescapable, unavoidable and to believe otherwise is to believe in a flat Earth. Ross Perot was laughed off the national stage when he declared, “If they pass NAFTA you’re going to hear a giant sucking sound of jobs leaving this country.” They compared him to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which contributed to the Great Depression. The plan was to make Perot look like a nut with a funny, obscure name like Smoot-Hawley, and maybe he was a nut but even a broken clock can be right twice a day.
Perot’s giant sucking sound has turned into a cold wind that is blowing through the ruins of our cities. America is in recession a year before the experts will admit to it as millions lose their homes and the government piles up massive budget deficits that dwarf any ever run in the long ago days of American prosperity. Those debts then were owed to American banks that bought American Treasury notes. Today we must sell them to our “friends,” the Japanese and the Chinese, who buy our raw materials which they turn into manufactured goods and the bulk of the profits stays in their home countries.
So large has this list of multifarious tyrannies escalated that Southern senators are now working at the behest of foreign governments to keep American automobile companies from receiving a bailout. Is it so hard to imagine who will benefit from the demise of the American automobile manufacturers? If you speak against globalism like I do, you will soon hear the charge; “Do you want to start a trade war?” We are already in a trade war and we are losing it, and we are already in a class war and are losing that as well. We are being beaten so badly that we have little left to fight back with but our bodies.
We have been sold a bill of goods by those in the employ of foreign corporations, Quislings who answer to the call of those who pay them while they wear their cheap, foreign-made flag pins on their lapels. Growth in America is negative and wages are flat for all but those same folks who insist that globalism is good for us. The Chinese will buy our Buicks and Chevys, and do. Products that are manufactured in China by Chinese workers in factories owned jointly by the People’s Red Army and General Motors. Whose American executives then come to Washington to beg money of Congress and plan new factories in China while gearing up their plants in Mexico.
Globalism is a sham, the proverbial wooden nickel. It benefits the very few and injures the many on both sides of the bargain. China is fast becoming an industrial wasteland and America an enfeebled, toothless tiger. America’s poor and hungry are growing at an enormous rate while assistance is reminiscent of the nineteenth century “Jungle” industrialism. While the federal government must look everywhere for new buyers of Treasury notes as they pass the money out to the banks for free and then must pay interest to borrow it back.
How far we’ve come from those once-prosperous, halcyon days when the middle class drove new cars. Where they saved for their children’s futures, back when companies were hiring instead of shutting down. When Pittsburgh was known for steel and Muncie for transmissions, Detroit made automobiles and America made computers and satellites and put men on the moon and dared to dream that anything was possible, while today millions of Americans wonder if they will lose their home this month or next.
An incredible price to pay for cheap junk from Wal-Mart.