"Yes, the times are terrible. This schedule change saved the district $2.2-million, which is a lot of money, although only a tiny fraction of its overall budget cuts this year. But it violates the contract.
Yes, the new seven-period schedule gives more options to students trying to fulfill various requirements. But it violates the contract.
Yes, some teachers liked the new schedule, and some even cooperated with management in drafting it. But it violates the contract.
And, yes, when a new contract is finally negotiated, the teachers and School Board might agree on this kind of schedule anyway. But in the meantime, it still violates the old contract.
I suppose one could say that despite all this, tough noogies for the teachers, those whiny so-and-sos. They should be grateful to have a job at all. They should be willing to sacrifice.
But nobody held a gun to the School Board's head. This is the contract it negotiated and approved. What's the board's rule for contracts — that they count until they are inconvenient?"
This is the attitude we face in Florida - contract by contract - promoted and fostered by Jeb. The state citizens have voted for "Class size amendments" and "Mandatory support for education" and "an independent Board of Education" as referendums. The Pinellas County taxpayers have passed TWO increases in property taxes in the last 6 years earmarked for the schools (and including art and music instruction). Despite this, the school boards and legislatures continue to ignore the voters, manipulate the elections, and break the contracts.
"Audacity of Hope" in Florida is "Audacity of Arrogance".
Pinellas County became more Democratic than repub last year for the 1st time in decades. Pinellas County just elected two Democratic state representatives over incumbent repubs. Unfortunately, the election supervisors, school boards, and similar positions are still controlled. If it were not for CONTRACTS with UNIONS; it would be slave labor as the rich get richer. The teachers will win this one!