Drew Griffin
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- -- The head of America's fastest-growing labor organization tells newly elected office-holders: Live up to your promises or face the wrath, and the money, of labor next time round.
"We believe that democracy functions best when you hold people accountable for what they promise," Andy Stern, president of the powerful Service Employees International Union, said this week in a CNN interview.
Andy Stern, president of the SEIU, says politicians must keep their campaign promises or lose labor support.
The SEIU donated $85 million to Democratic campaign war chests for last year's elections, and its 2 million members put in countless hours of volunteer time on the campaign trail.
Stern, who finds himself at the center of a newly energized labor movement, said all the money and the work was to bring about change.
"I think
should be worried that if they don't live to what Americans just voted for -- which was change, which was having workers be able to make more money to take care of their families -- people should be worried if they're not going to live up to those responsibilities. That's what we voted for," he said.
Recent federal labor statistics reveal evidence that Stern's power and his movement are growing.
FULL story at link.