Crowley/The New York Times
The vice president drew applause when he told labor leaders at a signing ceremony, “Welcome back to the White House.”
Published: January 30, 2009
WASHINGTON — On yet another morning of grim economic news, President Obama sought on Friday to distance himself further from his predecessor, announcing steps that he said would strengthen organized labor and thereby improve the lot of middle-class Americans.
At a White House ceremony, the president signed three executive orders that he said would “reverse many of the policies towards organized labor that we’ve seen these last eight years, policies with which I’ve sharply disagreed.”
Appearing with Mr. Obama, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. drew applause when he flung another dart at former President George W. Bush, telling labor officials among those in the audience, “Welcome back to the White House.”
Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden spoke soon after the Commerce Department announced that gross domestic product contracted at an annual rate of 3.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008, the worst shrinking of the economy in more than a quarter-century. Following up on Thursday’s condemnation of “shameful” bonuses for Wall Street bankers, the new president seized on the latest economic numbers to push yet again for enactment of his $800-billion-plus economic stimulus package.
“So this is a difficult moment,” he said, “but I believe if we act boldly and swiftly, it can be an American moment, when we work through our differences together and overcome our divisions to face this crisis.”
“While our G.D.P. may have grown smaller, it’s undiminished when it comes to our innovative spirit, our work ethic, our values and our resolve and resilience as Americans,” the president said.
FULL story at link.