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The enemies of unions and the lies they tell

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dcsmart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-20-09 09:12 AM
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The enemies of unions and the lies they tell
Edited on Fri Feb-20-09 09:13 AM by dcsmart
Adam Turl looks at the employers' dirty campaign to block legislation that would make it easier to join a union.

WITHIN DAYS of receiving $25 billion in federal bailout money--paid for with your tax dollars--Bank of America hosted a conference call of corporate executives and conservatives to strategize about how to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).

Corporations have declared war on EFCA because of both its specific provisions and the symbolic role it could play in revitalizing the labor movement.

If EFCA passes, union recognition by employers would be automatic whenever 50 percent plus one of workers in a given workplace sign union cards--which is why the process is often referred to as "card check." The legislation would also provide for greater penalties for companies that violate workers' right to organize. President Barack Obama has said he would sign EFCA into law.

The legislation could play a role similar to Section 7(a) of President Franklin Roosevelt's National Recovery Act, which enshrined into federal law the right to organize and buoyed the formation of mass industrial unions. Labor organizers seized the moment to argue that "the president wants you to join the union."

The class-conscious members of America's corporate elite have no intention of repeating this experience.

" is the demise of civilization," Home Depot founder Bernie Marcus said. "This is how a civilization disappears." During the 2008 elections, Marcus declared that corporate executives "should be shot" if they didn't do their part to re-elect at-risk Republican senators who could filibuster and prevent EFCA's passage.


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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-20-09 11:09 AM
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