Edited for clarity. This is an anti union site's opinion. Extra editorial deleted. I myself am FOR the H.R. 800, the Employee Free Choice Act.
http://blog.nam.org/archives/2007/06/card_check_the_4.phpJune 18, 2007
Card Check: The Vote Nears, Contact Your Senator
As of 5 p.m. today, Majority Leader Reid has yet to file a motion to proceed on H.R. 800, the euphonized Employee Free Choice Act, which means that the cloture vote is likely to occur on Thursday. (They're voting on the House version, not the Senate's, for reasons of procedural ease.) By most accounts, debate will be kept short since the outcome is all but certain -- the failure to gain the 60 votes needed to invoke cloture.
That's good on one hand, because the bill dies this session. It doesn't have to go to the President for his veto.
But it's bad, because a few Senators may justify a yea vote with the traditional excuse, "Well, no big deal, it's not going to pass anyway." Even so, once lawmakers go on the record with a yes vote, it's harder to change their minds in future years; labor's strategy is a multiyear one based on maintaining Democratic, pro-union majorities in both chambers and electing a Democratic president in 2008.
So complacency is the enemy, right? Therefore ....to urge your Senator to oppose this assault on the secret ballot, please click here.
This is not copy righted.