at my DSA meeting, Democratic Socialist of America..anyway, her name is sister Mary Ellen Howard and she is
director of Detroit's St. Francis Cabrini Clinic, the oldest standing free clinic in the country. here is her bio
How it all started
I was an education major but worked weekends at Mt. Caramel Hospital and I got hooked on hospitals. I loved the people, the atmosphere, the life-and-death situations. Those are sacred moments in families' lives and it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to share that.
Career highlights
Establishing Riverside Domestic Violence Shelter 20 years ago when the community lacked such a facility and also creating Jordan Health Center, which is a school-based health center in Detroit. are making a big difference in the lives of the kids and the families in their poor neighborhoods.
As we speak
At Cabrini Clinic, I'm using my nursing and administrative skills to provide health care to people who would not otherwise have access. There are 270,000 uninsured people in Detroit. We do some good, but more needs to be done. We basically put Band-Aids on bullet wounds.
Text, she was the speaker for today. and, she is on youtube. you might remember from the news about the uproar at the health care summit here in Michigan, pres. Obama's traveling health care town meeting, when sister Mary Ellen interrupted Governor Granholm' speech and demanded assistance for a young woman with cancer.
here is the video (listen to what the woman speaking about her cancer says. (this is why we need single-payer health care.) to how the Governor blows the young woman off.
the woman who stood up and took the mike is sr. Mary Ellen and the guys in front of her she asked--actually demanded-- to help are the heads of two major hospitals in detriot.
Today at the meeting we found out that the bald guy from DMC (Detriot Medical Center) who said he would help, never did. the woman did get help from Henry Ford Hospital and is doing well.
Sr Mary Ellen is a funny, energetic, person who is a leader for health care and really works on the front lines of this problem.
i thought it was great to meet someone like her. Francis Cabrini Clinic