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'Hawaiian Cement' Steel Tower Collapses Killing Worker Trapped Inside

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-17-09 01:51 PM
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'Hawaiian Cement' Steel Tower Collapses Killing Worker Trapped Inside

Last Update: 5/16 9:38 pm

A decades old 'Hawaiian Cement' cooling tower about 12 stories tall was being pre-weakened for demolition. Two workers were inside finishing the job, when something went unexpectedly wrong.

"While they were in that process something let loose something they didn't anticipate," said Capt. Robert Main, Honolulu Fire Department.

A security camera at Campbell Industrial Park captured what happened next.

"The workers were inside and heard a pop or a creak of some kind," said Capt. Main.

Caught off guard, both men ran for the exit. But, one of the workers either tripped or got caught and didn't make it out. The tower collapsed on top of him.

The Honolulu Fire Department got the call just after 8 am.

"The structure is fairly unstable, we haven't been unable to determine the location of the man, there are no signs of life or indication of where he is," said Capt. Main.

45 fire fighters, several police officers and dozens of co-workers began assisting in the search.

FULL story at link.

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