December 22
A group of building trades unions from the Midwest meet in St. Louis to form the National Building Trades Council. The Council disbanded after several years of political and jurisdictional differences - 1897
Amid a widespread strike for union recognition by 395,000 steelworkers, approximately 250 alleged “anarchists,” “communists,” and “labor agitators” were deported to Russia, marking the beginning of the so-called “Red Scare” - 1919
And this: December 22, 1919 - Amid a strike for union recognition by 395,000 steelworkers, approximately 250 "anarchists," "communists," and "labor agitators" were deported from the United States to Russia, marking the beginning of the so-called "Red Scare." Workers who sought to form unions often were labeled by employers and the government in an attempt to intimidate them and undermine worker rights.
N.Y. City transit strike ends after 60 hours with a 37-month settlement. Transport Workers Union Local 100 President Roger Toussaint was sentenced to 10 days in jail for the illegal walkout and the union fined $2.5 million - 2005
Labor history found here: & here: