Michael Whitney Saturday December 26, 2009 1:55 pm
Rahm's noseIn case you had any doubts the passage of the health care bill will be just as disastrous for Democrats and the labor movement as the rout of 1994, Rahm Emanuel is here to reassure you. It will be just like NAFTA! And Rahm thinks that’s a good thing.
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has been telling Democrats a win on the health issue will reverse the slide in public opinion, just as passage of another controversial proposal, the North American Free Trade Agreement, lifted President Bill Clinton in the polls.
If the unions aren’t listening, they better now. Rahm has been pushing through this health care bill for Obama and has had unions at his side, or at least neutralized. SEIU has been with the White House from the beginning on health care, and continues to support the legislation. And while the AFL-CIO has continually critiqued the bill and held its demand for a public option, the federation hasn’t opposed the bill or the White House.
The Senate bill will be, for all intents and purposes, the final health care bill. That means a Chevy tax on middle class health insurance, no public option, no employer mandate. This bill is so disastrous for unions that Jon Walker has warned “every private sector union will be dead in nine years,” once the Chevy tax kicks in to full gear. (First to go? AFL-CIO unions like CWA, which have given up wage increases for benefits for years. Last to go? Low wage workers like those represented by SEIU.)
While unions have been with the Democratic Party in calling for universal health care and reform for decades, they must recognize that where we are now is not acceptable. Indeed, by supporting this bill, unions are digging their own graves. So why aren’t they fighting? Unions feel they need to stay on the good side of Rahm and the White House in order to hang on to the last strands of labor law reform, which they hope and pray will come up (and pass) in the new year.
So we have a labor movement stuck in mud, knowing that reform as it exists is far from what the country needs, and even self destructive. Yet they’re fearful of opposing this terrible idea of reform in order to hold on to promises of future reforms to save themselves.
FULL story at link.