Mitch Lawrence
Saturday, January 2nd 2010, 3:54 PM

Gilbert Arenas will have the backing of the NBA players union if the league or the Wizards look to void his contract.
The NBA players union will fight the Washington Wizards or the NBA if either tries to void the contracts of two Wizards players who allegedly pulled guns on each other before a recent practice.
"They can attempt to take any action they want, but if it contradicts or violates the collective bargaining agreement, then we will litigate over that," Billy Hunter, the NBA Players Association executive director, told the Daily News Saturday. "There's no question we'd litigate."
In light of the reported showdown between Wizards star guard Gilbert Arenas and injured reserve Javaris Crittenton, the NBA is expected to severely penalize the players. The possibility exists that the Wizards or NBA could move to void the players' contracts as a way to send a message that gunplay is unacceptable.
Arenas, who makes $16 million this season, would stand to lose close to $100 million. He has another $80 million over four years coming to him. Crittenton makes $1.4 million.
FULL story at link.