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Is your union still urging membership to call House members to oppose the tax on "Cadillac" plans?

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clear eye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-09-10 11:36 AM
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Is your union still urging membership to call House members to oppose the tax on "Cadillac" plans?
Edited on Sat Jan-09-10 12:07 PM by clear eye
I know they have opposed it strongly in the past, but are they still urging you to lobby your member of Congress to continue opposing it during the negotiations?

Here's a thread w/ some info to help you if you call:

If this just devolves into p'g contest between Pelosi and the President, the President will pull out all the stops to get it passed. He needs to see that the pressure is coming from the grassroots--not the union leadership and not Nancy Pelosi.

It would be good for us to make sure we call on Monday.
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fairfaxvadem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-09-10 12:37 PM
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1. Yes.
Unions are still strongly encouraging their members to contact Congress in opposition to this misguided revenue raiser. This goes beyond union benefits. There are a lot of unrepresented American workers with high-cost plans (not necessarily high-benefit, let's be clear here) that are in for a big shock, and who have no one to speak on their behalf against this tax. And while the tax is on the Insurance Cos, the 40% tax will surely be passed on to the employee, either directly or by a low-cost, low-benefit, high deductible, high co-pay plan.
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