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L.A. Carwash Workers Fight for Justice

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-16-10 09:32 PM
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L.A. Carwash Workers Fight for Justice

Several Los Angeles area carwash workers yesterday told a National Workers’ Rights Board hearing that they had been cheated out of wages, harassed and fired for trying to form a union and forced to work in dangerous conditions.

Along with the testimony from workers, board members heard from community and labor leaders (including Steelworkers President Leo Gerard), academics, and health, safety and environmental experts on the deplorable and often dangerous conditions that continue to plague Southern California carwash workers.

California has more establishments and employees in the carwash industry than any other state. Too many of these employers routinely violate basic labor laws, leading to unsafe and unhealthy workplaces for their workers and the communities they serve

Workers have reported being paid less than half of California’s $8 an hour minimum wage and some are paid only in tips. Violations also include underpaying workers, hiring minors, operating without workers’ compensation insurance and denying workers meal and rest breaks. Others have faced illegal harassment and threats of violence for attempting to form a union.

Aura Lopez told the board that in 2008, she severely injured her back in a fall on the job and was refused proper treatment.

A month after the accident, the owner saw me talking to a union organizer about how to get help for my injuries. The owner then fired me and told me never to come back to the carwash.

FULL story at link.

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