Edited on Sun Jan-17-10 12:30 PM by SHRED
The weakening of trade laws and subsequently trade tariffs on imported goods has opened the floodgates of outsourcing jobs and companies overseas. Labor, environment, and other laws can be avoided also while the ability to bring goods into the USA cheaply increases. Repubs wrote NAFTA and Clinton signed it. This is a bi-partisan fuck up pushed by Corporatists in both parties.
They gave "protectionism" a bad name without explaining what happens when tariffs are torn down. By allowing the free flow of cheap goods into our country, without or very little tax penalty(tariff) we tell the world that slave labor is okay. We send the message that ignoring environmental and labor laws are okay.
But no...the rightwing sheeple of this world want to blame the blue collar working guy trying to organize his workplace for livable wages and a secure retirement.