Steve Early | January 29, 2010
REPUBLICAN SCOTT Brown’s Senate victory last week deprived President Obama and the Democrats of their filibuster-proof super-majority in the Senate and made Obama’s health care plan a high-profile casualty. There was also collateral damage for already-frustrated union backers of the president. The White House staffers and congressional leaders who’ve been assuring them that labor law reform was next on Obama’s agenda now can’t prevent a filibuster of the Employee Free Choice Act.
Last June, top union leaders met with Obama and were told that health care legislation would come first and then the Free Choice Act. Since then, the administration has repeatedly dangled the carrot of labor law reform whenever labor made common cause with other critics of “ObamaCare.’’ Unions were even pressured to accept things like a future tax on negotiated medical coverage because defeat of the president’s plan would be a victory for the Republicans and, thus, the death-knell of the Act.
Now, in a true case of déjà vu all over again, Americans are seeing the latest opportunity to strengthen their workplace rights, as promised by the Democrats, simply vanish. In the president’s State of the Union address Wednesday, the state of unions - and employee free choice - wasn’t even mentioned.In the wake of this latest rebuff, labor activists must return to the drawing board and quickly develop a fall-back strategy - for defending and extending collective bargaining - that doesn’t hinge on amending federal law. It won’t be easy.
Steve Early, a labor journalist and lawyer, is author of “Embedded With Organized Labor.’’