by Jesse Russell on March 8, 2010 - 5:46am
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Grassroots labor activists from California to Ohio gathered at the Nation Labor College, just outside Washington, D.C., to discuss the next step in the battle for single-payer healthcare.
WIN’s Kate Sheehy reports.
Kate Sheehy reports.
One of the most vocal unions has been the California Nurses Association, along with their umbrella group, National Nurses United. Martha Kuhl, Secretary-Treasurer of NNU, is a pediatrics nurse in Oakland, California. She says that nurses see everyday how lack of healthcare affects people. She says that the success of the campaign lies with unions.
: “Labor has, can historically lead in social movements…we have the money, we have the means, we’ve banded together ourselves already to make change.”
And Kuhl says there is no adequate reform short of a single-payer program.
:“Without that you’re stuck regulating an insurance industry that has shown already that they’re in it for the money and they’re not in it to provide care.”
But Kuhl says the plan for reform will not put people out of work, but create more jobs. She says employees from the insurance sector, for example, would have the opportunity to be re-trained to work in public healthcare.