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Fired Westin Workers in Providence, RI Win Their Jobs Back After NLRB Action

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-09-10 08:30 PM
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Fired Westin Workers in Providence, RI Win Their Jobs Back After NLRB Action

By Camilo Viveiros, on March 3rd, 2010

Celebration for Rehired Westin Workers in RIOn November 7, 2009, the Westin Providence fired three housemen, Alfred Palumbo, Mike Crone, and Jose Minaya, in retaliation for their legally protected union protest. The Westin refused appeals from the Union and community leaders to reinstate them. The workers’ union, UNITE HERE Local 217, filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which investigated the case for four months.

On Wednesday, February 24, the NLRB Regional Director in Boston gave notice that the Federal Government has authorized a civil prosecution of the Westin Providence for the firings.

In order to avoid further prosecution, the Westin Providence suddenly offered all three workers reinstatement at the hotel to their previous jobs, pay and benefits. Once the NLRB authorizes a complaint, the Westin will be required to make all three workers whole for lost back pay and benefits, and post an official Federal notice throughout the Hotel in order to avoid a trial before a federal labor judge.

Mike Crone was a houseman at the Westin for 12 years before he was terminated by the hotel on November 5th:

I am so happy because we won much more than our jobs; we won back our rights of free speech. We had done nothing wrong. We went on our breaks to join in a Union informational picket line, and the Westin managers fired us for participating in a legal, peaceful protest. I can’t believe what they put us through, firing us right before the holidays. It was a hard Thanksgiving and Christmas for me and my family, but it was worth it to tell the truth about how we are treated at the Westin.

FULL story at link.

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LakeSamish706 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-09-10 08:32 PM
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1. Great news... and horray for Unions. n/t
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