Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report
National Edition
Produced by Ken Nash and Mimi Rosenberg
AFL-CIO To Banks:
Pay to Create Jobs You Destroyed in the “Great” Recession
Dan Pedrotty, Director, Office of Investments, AFL-CIO
The AFL-CIO is mounting a national campaign to put America back to
work and ensure that the banks, whose reckless acts created the jobs crisis,
pay to create the jobs they destroyed, stop fighting financial reform and start
lending. Saying that neither Congress nor the Obama administration has
proposed an adequate jobs bill, the AFL-CIO is calling for extending
supplemental unemployment benefits, $2.2 trillion for unmet infrastructure
needs, & helping state & local governments overcome an estimated $588
billion shortfall over the next 4 years. The program would be paid for by
imposing fees on Wall Street banks to pay back the cost of the bank bailout,
a special levy on Wall Street bonuses, increased taxes on hedge fund &
private equity managers, & a financial transactions tax.
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