We need your help, Please Forward and Rate our You Tube Videos.
Hello to All,
As many of you may know the Young Trade Unionists will be holding their 1st Annual Networking & Career fair on May 1, 2010 from 9am – 12pm. We have made several attempts to partner with the Local media stations to advertise this opportunity to the youth of Maryland. We have only been successful with one radio station which is The Marc Steiner Show on 88.9. At this time we have taken this matter into our own hands by creating two commercials and placing them on You Tube. We need all of the committed and concerned parents, friends, and leaders to invest in the future by forwarding these videos to as many youth or people that know youth as possible.
Here is one of the links
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGpCxw8opRAHere is the second link
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db9vDF6hQQkWe would like to thank everyone for believing in our vision and passion to helping the future of the labor movement. Thanks for the support!
In Solidarity,
Cory McCray