by Doug Cunningham on March 30, 2010 - 6:04pm
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Oregon is one of a number of state’s struggling with double digit unemployment and today a forum is being held to try to come up with a solution. Jesse Russell reports:
A public forum is being held in Portland, Oregon today as workers and labor leaders explore ways to deal with the high unemployment in the state. Oregon AFL-CIO President Tom Chamberlain said he is hoping a second economic stimulus package can be passed that focuses specifically on creating jobs trough infrastructure development that could be paid for through a tax.
: A transaction tax that would be a quarter of one percent on stock transactions, and that’s on the broker’s fees. So Wall Street got us into this mess, Wall Street has to get us out.
Sam Rodgers is a steelworker who was recently laid off from a titanium plant. He’ll be speaking at today’s event talking about the struggle of keeping a roof over his family’s heads.
: I mean I’ve tried, but the only thing really out there is a minimum wage job and I can’t do that right now. I make a little more on unemployment, so I mean, worst case scenario I’m going to pull a minimum wage job, but I’ll probably lose both my cars ad have to get a cheaper car and what not.