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Join Sen. Al Franken at Netroots Nation 2010!

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-12-10 08:23 PM
Original message
Join Sen. Al Franken at Netroots Nation 2010!

Join Sen. Al Franken at Netroots Nation 2010!

On the campaign trail, Al Franken fought for the middle class, focusing on issues like making college and health care more affordable. During the recount, he fought for a fair Democratic process. And as a U.S. Senator, he fights every day for real progressive values just as the former Sen. Paul Wellstone did.

That fighting spirit is exactly why we chose Minnesota Sen. Al Franken to close out our fifth annual Netroots Nation convention in Las Vegas. Click here to register now.

Since his swearing in, Sen. Franken has been a strong advocate for progressive policies, speaking out in favor of a public option, cutting oil subsidies and slashing interest rates for student loans. Whether he's fighting for health care or education, he's shown that he represents American families and isn't afraid to stand up for strong progressive values.

Bringing about change isn't easy, and it's not about just winning elections.

As progressives, it's more important than ever for us to double down and continue organizing. We must continue fighting year-round for our shared goals and values -- just as Sen. Franken has done.

See you in Vegas!

Registration is quick and easy! To begin, simply enter your e-mail address and select a registration level.

We're able to offer a limited number of student registrations for the 2010 convention at $75. In order to qualify you must be enrolled in high school, community college, trade school, or university at least half-time.

With your generosity and the support of our sponsors and donors, we are able to offer subsidized registrations on a first-come, first-served basis. Early bird registration for the 2010 convention has ended, the price to register is $295. The price will continue to increase as the event draws closer.

The Professional Registration represents half of the unsubsidized cost to attend Netroots Nation. Registration fees cover only 40 percent of our conference costs. With your generosity and the support of our sponsors and donors, we can continue to offer reduced rates so activists of every age, background, and economic bracket are able to join us in Las Vegas. If you're registering with an organization please consider registering at this level to support Netroots Nation and allowing us to offer lower rates to others. The professional rate does not differ from other rates in terms of level of access, only your level of support.

The Benefactor Registration represents the full unsubsidized cost to attend Netroots Nation. Registration fees cover only 40 percent of our conference costs. With your generosity and the support of our sponsors and donors, we can continue to offer reduced rates so activists of every age, background, and economic bracket are able to join us in Las Vegas. If you're interested in fully supporting Netroots Nation and allowing us to offer lower rates to others, we encourage you to register at this level. The benefactor rate does not differ from other rates in terms of level of access, only your level of support.

Netroots Nation '10
Thursday, July 22, 2010 - Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rio Las Vegas
3700 W. Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89103
United States

To get started, enter your email address. (Already Registered?)
* Email Address:

* Please select registration type:

Standard Registration: $295.00
Student Registration: $75.00
Professional Registration: $400.00
Benefactor Registration: $800.00

Discount Code:

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ShortnFiery Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-12-10 08:24 PM
Response to Original message
1. I'd be happy to do that once he agrees to defund our two unjust Occupations. eom
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bhcodem Donating Member (110 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-13-10 05:14 PM
Response to Original message
2. Soooo...
Will all the network and cable news stations cover the Netroots Nation in the same way they cover all the Conservative gatherings, or will they just mention it in passing???
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