April 20
10,000 demonstrators celebrate textile workers’ win of a 10-percent pay hike and grievance committees after a one-month strike, Lowell, Mass. - 1912
Ludlow massacre: Colorado state militia, using machine guns and fire, kill about 20 people—including 11 children—at a tent city set up by striking coal miners - 1914
And this: April 20, 1914 - John D. Rockefeller’s Colorado Fuel and Iron Co. brought in state militia and company gunmen to break a strike by 10,000 members of the United Mine Workers of America. They fired machine guns and set fire to a tent colony of strikers and their families. Fourteen women and children were killed in what is remembered as the Ludlow Massacre.
For more information on Ludlow, go to
http://www.umwa.org/history/ludlow.shtml and
http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5737/United Auto Workers leader Walter Reuther is shot and seriously wounded by would-be assassins - 1948
And this: April 20, 1948 - United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther was shot and seriously wounded by would-be assassins. The charismatic labor leader died in a plane crash in 1970.
For more on the life of Walter Reuther, see
http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5737/National Association of Post Office Mail Handlers, Watchmen, Messengers & Group Leaders merge with Laborers - 1968
United Auto Workers members end a successful 172 day strike against International Harvester, protesting management demands for new work rules and mandatory overtime provisions - 1980
Labor history found here:
http://www.unionist.com/today-in-labor-history & here: