I'm a public servant in a union. It was aimed at all of us City of Omaha workers, No action taken.
No MSM coverage":
http://www.omaha.com/article/20100803/NEWS01/708039907Info courtesy of Media matters:
Limbaugh: Public-sector union employees are "freeloaders" and "leftist, socialist, neo-communist"
April 22, 2010
Limbaugh says "government union" leaders "essentially are communists"
March 04, 2010
Limbaugh: Obama sending out "union thugs," involved in "Mussolini-type stuff"
August 07, 2009
More red-baiting: Limbaugh calls NLRB nominee Craig Becker a "communist"
February 09, 2010
Limbaugh mocks "union thug reduced to sniffles along the processional route" (Kennedy Funeral)
August 28, 2009
# Limbaugh's drinking game: "a drink for every black person I see" on Kennedy's procession, lined with "union thugs"
August 28, 2009 filed under MMtv
Limbaugh claims black conservative "roughed up" by "union thugs"
August 07, 2009
• Limbaugh: Employee Free Choice Act should be titled "The Union Brass Knuckles Busting On Your Knees Act"
May 18, 2009 filed under MMtv
# Limbaugh: Obama thinks "union people" "have effectively been raped by American capitalism, and they have a lot of stuff coming due"
May 06, 2009 filed under MMtv
Limbaugh refers to Americans United for Change as a "union thug group"
April 28, 2009
# Limbaugh on requirements for federal aid to GM: "This is a union coup at the behest of the president. This is payback"
March 30, 2009 filed under MMtv
# Limbaugh defense of AIG bonuses follows attacks on "insane benefits" of UAW sending Big Three "down the tubes"
March 19, 2009 filed under Research
# Limbaugh on EFCA: "One day Tony Soprano will walk in with a lead pipe and he will start beating people upside the head to vote to unionize"
March 10, 2009 filed under MMtv