Here is what I just sent out to my fellow Teamster brothers and sisters here in the San Diego area:
The San Diego Union and NC Times have posted similar articles listing wages and compensation packages of public employees.
While I think transparency is a good thing I also realize that in this anti-public worker, anti-union, political climate we are going through the time is ripe for "outrage" among the public.
The City of Bell (a Charter City) was ran by thugs and criminals in my opinion and the sad fact is we end up getting broad-brushed over the radio talkshows, TV, and newspapers for their excesses.
Here are the links.
City manager benefits can add 68% over base payBY JEFF MCDONALD, UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER
SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 2010 AT 10:42 P.M. North County cities posting salaries, wages on websitesACTION FOLLOWS CONCERN OVER LA SUBURB'S HIGH PAY is how I responded, online, to these two articles:
Myths vs. Facts - Pension Security
Myth: Government workers don’t contribute to their pensions; taxpayers are on the hook to pay those costs.
Myth: CalPERS pensioners can "goose" their retirement benefit upward by manipulating the income that gets included in their final year of compensation.
Myth: The average CalPERS pensioner gets 80 percent of their pay.
Myth: CalPERS Board is focused on benefit enhancements.
Myth: Police and firefighters retire at age 50 with 90 percent of pay.
Myths vs. Facts - Pension Financing
Myth: Pension Costs for the State of California have increased by 2000 percent in the last 10 years.
Myth: Public pension benefits are excessive and a drain on the public.
Myth: CalPERS said the SB 400 benefit enhancements would be free to the State forever.
Myth: CalPERS is going to run out of money because of baby boomers retiring.
Myth: Pensions are among the highest costs of State government. bashing of public employees on the radio and TV is rampant.
Never mind that when compared to a private sector corporate CEO, with an equal budget and responsibilities to oversee, these packages are paltry.
Never mind these same radio talkshows and TV leave out the Raytheon's, SAIC's, and General Atomic's where your tax dollars (via government contracts) go to enrich far more people, at much greater compensation levels, who do far less for you.
Perspective people, please.
Unions don't have their own radio or TV show. Radio,TV, and newspapers are corporate outlets who are biased against government workers and unions. They own the bully pulpit.
In Solidarity,