Just got this from Labor List:
I usually don't weigh in on this listserv but this clip hit a nerve with me today. Stewart Varney a fox blowhard had a segment today hitting the AFL-CIO for pushing for a no vote on Michael Dell.
http://mms.tveyes.com/Transcript.asp?StationID=2025&DateTime=8%2F12%2F2010+10%3A54%3A59+AM&Term=%22AFL+CIO%22&PlayClip=TRUEThe Fox crew jested that we shouldn't be weighing in because unions don't create innovative technology. Imagine if unions made an iphone was the offending line.
This made me reach out to my brothers and sisters at IFPTE whose membership does include rocket scientists. They gave me a list of really cool things that their members innovate and create. Here's a list of stuff that I plan to tweet at Fox all day under the hashtag #unionsbuild with some of these examples. If folks want to join my angry tirade I welcome your tweets. Also if you have your own examples of things that unions build that are critical to society (like our next generation of workers by teaching our kids) then throw em in!
Nuclears subs and carriers
Space shuttle
Dams and waterways
Unmanned aircrafts
787 fuselages