11, 2010
Today the unions find themselves, again, under a blistering attack by the media ("MTA's policies counterproductive," Aug. 7 editorial) and management. This attack seeks to transfer blame for the current economic crisis to organized workers who refuse to be broken or bowed into pretending that they are to blame for this crisis.
This economic disaster should be laid at the feet of the greedy capitalists working on Wall Street, in our banking sector, and their agents in government who signed ill-conceived trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China — among others.
The destruction of our industrial base and our refusal to create a high-wage-and-benefit service sector to replace our high-wage-and-benefit industrial sector, coupled with capitalist greed, has pushed our economy over a cliff without enough parachutes to protect the working class.
Currently, we see numerous questions about overtime within the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The economic crisis at the MTA has nothing to do with overtime or work rules, but much to do with the overall meltdown that was precipitated by Wall Street greed. Furthermore, state Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli should master his own job before attacking the MTA.
The MTA could significantly lower overtime, but the impact to the commuter would not be appreciated. Currently, we experience trains arriving at their destination 95 percent or better on schedule. It would be impossible to change rails with trains running, or to weld a frog during rush hours. This work must be done when traffic is reduced and that means at night or on the weekend. Major upgrades that keep our system the envy of the nation can only be done off-hours. Workers do not create the overtime and managers do not dole it out because they are incompetent, but because the riders want to get to their destination on time and safely. With less overtime, commuters would see on-time performance fall into the 50 percent or less bracket.
FULL story at link.
Fitzverity C. Silvera
Fitzverity C. Silvera is the secretary-treasurer of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local No. 808, in Long Island City.