Michael Marvin
Dave Nabity with the Omaha Alliance for the Private Sector and Brad Stevens with Americans for Prosperity continue to orchestrate a coordinated campaign to paint unions as the big bogeyman that is coming for you and your children.
This time, the scare tactic is around the bi-partisan Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act of 2009, S. 1611 which Senator Mike Johanns is co-sponsoring.
It's a wonder why Sen. Johanns is co-sponsoring the bill since he was not a friend to union workers when he was Governor, but that issue alone could take up an entire blog post.
Brad Stevens with Americans for Prosperity is currently circulating an email with the following:
Right now Sen. Johanns is co-sponsoring legislation (S. 1611) that will force public-safety employees into big government unions. Currently Nebraska is a Right to Work state, meaning we recognize an individual’s right to freedom of association, this will change under S.1611.
Wrong Brad, S. 1611 Section 2 subsection 5 clearly states:
(5) Many States and localities already provide public safety officers with collective bargaining rights comparable to or greater than the rights and responsibilities set forth in this Act, and such State and local laws should be respected.
And Section 8 further elaborates that federal law will not preempt state law if state law provides better collective bargaining rights.
FULL story at link.