by Jesse Russell on August 25, 2010 - 3:12pm
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Lede: When the United Steel Workers commented on BP’s recent Texas City fine settlement with OSHA, the union noted that the federal agency has changed with a greater willingness to aggressively protect workers. Obama Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is behind this big change in how the Labor Department operates. Doug Cunningham reports.
By Doug Cunningham
In a marked departure from the Department of Labor under the previous administration, Obama Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is actively attempting to protect workers. Solis says those efforts are underway but are far from complete.
: “At the Department of Labor we’re focused on protecting workers. And that’s why I have bolstered the enforcement staff in all of my agencies. I have already added 250 investigators in the wage and hour division alone and we are not done yet.”
Solis says she’s determined to bring unscrupulous employers to justice.
: “I have a message for those employers - those who break our nation’s labor laws and prey on vulnerable workers. It ends today.”