by Doug Cunningham on September 16, 2010 - 3:25pm
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By Doug Cunningham
AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka says labor is working to build stronger working relationships with all progressive movements to fuel the social change American working families need.
: “We’re trying to create permanent alliances with progressive groups because we know one thing. None of us have been able to move and create the America that we want on our alone. It’s gonna take all progressives and all progressive groups working together.”
The AFL-CIO is joining with a host of progressive groups for the October 2nd One Nation march for jobs and justice in Washington D.C.
And Trumka says the Employee Free Choice Act labor law reform that removes employer intimidation from organizing campaigns to make joining unions easier for workers is still an important goal for labor. And he says before the year is out we’ll be hearing a lot more about action on that important reform.
: “We have a president who supports it, we have a Vice-President who supports it. We have a vast majority in the House that support it, a vast majority in the Senate that supports it. And a vast majority of the American public supports it. We’re workin’ on it every day. And all I want you to do is stay tuned. Because before the end of the year you’re gonna hear somethin’ about the Employee Free Choice Act.”