Monday, November 08, 2010
Nancy Pelosi: “The Most Effective Speaker of the House in History”
Statement of AFSCME President Gerald W. McEntee on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Washington, DC — “America’s public employees and all working families have never had a greater champion than Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. With her remarkable leadership, Democrats in Congress created the most impressive progressive record of any legislators in generations. America has moved forward under Nancy Pelosi. We avoided a second Great Depression and created and saved 3 million jobs. We reformed health care and guaranteed that no family in America will ever go bankrupt because of a medical emergency. We eliminated the ability of insurance companies to cut coverage when a child or any family member is sick, and we’ve helped seniors by gradually bringing an end to the donut hole they faced on prescription drugs.
“We have the Lilly Ledbetter Act on the books to give women equal pay in the workforce, and the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act to guarantee that law enforcement agencies have the tools they need to prosecute senseless acts of hate and violence. College is more affordable because of the student loan reform Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats passed, making it easier for millions of young people to finance their education. Credit card companies and banks can no longer rip off consumers with hidden fees and outrageous interest rates. Tens of thousands of librarians, corrections officers, health care and child care workers and others who provide vital services in our cities and communities are working today because Nancy Pelosi fought so hard to pass President Obama’s Jobs Bill this past August.
“Only in an America where billionaires use the airwaves to advance their own economic interests can a record such as Nancy Pelosi’s be ignored and mischaracterized. She has been the most effective Speaker of the House in history. Soon, she will continue her remarkable record of service as Democratic Leader in the House.
“AFSCME looks forward to working with her as she and other Democrats stand up to the destructive policies and delusional pronouncements we can expect from those who will temporarily be in control of the U.S. House.”