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"Helped by School's Social Justice Mission, University Dining Hall Workers Unionize"

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SocialistLez Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-24-10 08:49 PM
Original message
"Helped by School's Social Justice Mission, University Dining Hall Workers Unionize"

"Grill cook Janet Irving has worked at the dining hall for Loyola University in Chicago for 26 years. But she still makes only $14 an hour, has no health insurance and gets little benefit for her seniority in scheduling shifts.

Issues like these are why the 204 workers from 16 countries decided to form a union. After a difficult organizing campaign where they initially faced intense opposition from their employer, Aramark, on Nov. 16 the company agreed to recognize UNITE HERE Local 1 after 80 percent of workers signed union cards.

Contract negotiations will begin in coming months and Irving, 49, is confident that things will get a lot better for workers. “It’s beautiful, it’s great, only good things can happen now,” she said.

She said workers will be surveyed to come up with specific demands for a wage increase, affordable health insurance, seniority rights and other issues. Currently Irving can’t afford the health insurance Aramark offers, so she is uninsured and relies on the public county hospital for treatment for her heart condition."

I wish these workers the best and hope Aramark doesn't try any bullsh**.
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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-24-10 08:54 PM
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1. Bravo to Loyola University


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