I would give the same advice to many people living in other cities forced to cut back on their police force.
While many may feel the current situation may not warrant such such a drastic approach, I feel it's wise to be prepared. Better to buy and learn to use a firearm now rather than wait until more police are laid off and the situation really goes downhill.
I realize that many will take offense at this advise and I also understand that firearms are not for everyone. First a person has to decide if they are responsible and mentally stable enough to accept the responsibly of owning a firearm.
Firearms are not for you if ...
1) You tend to abuse alcohol or other mind altering drugs.
2) You suffer from anger management problems or have severe mental problems which may interfere with your ability to reason.
3) You live in a volatile relationship with a significant other.
4) You have children and are unwilling to take measures to safely secure your firearm from their curiosity.
5) You would be unwilling to shoot another person to stop an attack that would seriously endanger or result in the death of you or your family.
Of course merely owning a firearm is not enough.
You need to understand gun safety which means unless you have lots of experience with firearms, you should take a gun safety course.
You also should be very proficient with your firearm. You should practice with it on a regular basis. Shooting accurately is far more difficult than the movies portray. Your ability to shoot accurately also is severely decreased in a stressful life or death situation.
Police lay offs have prompted the advise to be firearms in other areas of the country.
Sheriff spread thin, so get a gun, judge advises
Ashtabula has too few deputies now, he saysSaturday, April 10, 2010 2:51 AMCLEVELAND -- A judge's solution for residents feeling less secure because of budget cuts in one Ohio county: Carry a gun.
Judge Alfred Mackey of Ashtabula County Common Pleas Court advised residents yesterday to be vigilant and arm themselves because the number of deputies has been cut in half because of a tight budget. He also urged neighbors to organize anti-crime block-watch groups.
"They have to be law-abiding, and if they are not familiar with firearms they need to take a safety course so they are not a threat to their family and friends and themselves," Mackey said yesterday.
Mackey, whose comments were first broadcast Thursday by WKYC-TV in Cleveland, was expressing concern about budget cuts that have trimmed the sheriff's department from 112 to 49 deputies in the county, which is Ohio's largest by land area.
http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2010/04/10/sheriff-spread-thin-so-get-a-gun-judge-advises.html Toledo Mayor tells residents police can't protect themSubmitted by cbaus on Thu, 05/07/2009 - 23:10. When word of significant cuts to the Toledo police force first came out, one senior police officer issued the following recommendation to city residents:
"Buy guns. Invest in precious metals: lead, gun power and brass."
And now, Mayor Carty Finkbeiner is admitting the reason why this is such good advice:
"Violent crimes, shootings, are not ever prevented by the presence of a police officer, no matter how many thousands of police officers you have."
Saturday, May 2 marked the first full day since 75 Toledo police officers turned in their badges and guns, and according to the Toledo Blade, word of the significant cuts in the Toledo police force is on the street.
"There ain't a side of Toledo you can go where they do not know the police is going to be laid off," one resident is quoted as saying.