Edited on Thu Jan-06-11 01:46 AM by AdHocSolver
The stock market is little more than a rigged Ponzi scheme.
The GDP is largely a manipulated fairy tale number to convince people that a deepening recession is supposedly a slow "recovery".
The recession/depression, the government deficits, and the creeping "hidden" inflation are all caused by the fact that this country imports practically everything we buy from slave wage countries. Almost every dollar spent in this country leaves the U.S., rather than paying other Americans who would pay income taxes if they had jobs, who would buy homes if they had jobs, who would buy cars if they had jobs, who would have health care (of some sort) if they had jobs.
This is kindergarten economics folks, and I have posted this repeatedly on various forums on DU (including threads started by Omaha Steve) and most people even here on DU don't get it.
In order to solve a problem, one needs to first understand the problem. Corporate theft has become pandemic, and the response of most Americans is to cling to their capitalist fantasies (which convince them that, with hard work and perseverance, they too can become wealthy. If they aren't wealthy, it is their own fault because they are not educated enough, or too lazy, or didn't choose the right parents, or...)
The Powers That Be then tell the populous that they should get more education (how they are supposed to do this when they have low paying jobs or no jobs, and maybe families to support), or invest in the stock market (which is rigged to profit the insiders at their expense), or (I love this one) become entrepreneurs and start their own business (what bank is going to loan them the money after so much goes to executive bonuses?)