Take action here:
http://action.laborrights.org/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=1467Dole is waging a systematic campaign to undermine pineapple workers' rights in the Philippines.
The workers could finally regain their voice on the job on February 22 when they take to the polls in Polomolok, a company town built around Dole. But for the union elections to be free and fair, workers' rights defenders like you need to help shine a light on the ongoing labor and human rights abuses.
Show your solidarity by sending a letter now.
The trade union, AK-NAFLU-KMU, is under attack by the Philippine military and Dole management. The military is engaged in a union vilification campaign accusing the union of “infiltrating” Dole, even though it was elected democratically. Workers are facing anti-union seminars and a door-to-door campaign by the military, always with the looming threat of military violence in the Philippines where more than 90 trade union leaders have been assassinated in recent years. Sadly, the government has not conducted any investigations into the military activities.
Union supporters face an uphill struggle in getting the truth out. Despite reports by Dole’s own social responsibility auditors showing that management is discriminating against the union and its supporters, Dole continues to benefit from its SA8000 “labor-friendly” certification by Social Accountability International, which undermines the union’s voice.
Nonetheless, the workers and their union continue to speak out against all odds.
When Dole’s 4,500 rank and file workers take to the polls to elect their union on Tuesday, all workers must know that they have the right to support a union of their choice without interference or fear of retaliation. Only then can the elections be free and fair.
Stand against labor and human rights violations perpetuated by Dole and the Philippine military -- add your voice now for free and fair union elections.
Thank you for your support,
Brian Campbell, International Labor Rights Forum
PS: For background information and reports, visit the ILRF website: