February 21
February 21, 1936 - Barbara Jordan, "a true champion for all the people," was born. A lawyer, educator and fiery orator, Jordan drew national attention when, as a member of Congress, she served on the Judiciary Committee that recommended the impeachment of President Nixon. She was a tireless ally of the poor and disadvantaged, sponsoring both the Workman's Compensation Act, which increased benefits to injured workers, and legislation extending the Voting Rights Act to include Mexican-Americans and other people of color. Read more about this amazing woman on the University of Texas website,
http://www.utexas.edu/features/archive/2003/jordan.htmlTransportation-Communication Employees Union merges with Brotherhood of Railway, Airline & Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express & Station Employees - 1969
United Farm Workers of America granted a charter by the AFL-CIO - 1972
Labor history found here:
http://www.unionist.com/today-in-labor-history & here: