Tuesday February 22, 2011
LINCOLN (AP) — Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler is ordering a pay cut for some city workers to help save money and to send a message to fellow employees and the community.
Tuesday, the mayor ordered a percent salary reduction for about 20 city department directors and mayoral aides for the upcoming fiscal year. Beutler said that with tough budget choices ahead, the workers offered to make the cut — which he said would save more than $10,000 in the budget for 2011-2012.
Beutler said more than 50 percent of the city’s tax-funded budget goes to police, fire and 911 services. His budgets have eliminated 120 positions.
Beutler said state aid cuts and state-mandated labor increases could force cuts in public safety and higher property taxes.
That last paragraph is to whip up support for the Ne-R effort to outlaw public worker unions.