1st, 2011 11:16 AM
By Mike Elk
In December 2008, United Electrical Workers at Republic Windows and Doors in Chicago shook the world when they occupied their factory after its closure was announced. For eight days and nights, they held the attention of state, national and international media as unions around the world issued statements of solidarity. Even President-elect Obama -- then in downtown Chicago, just miles away from the factory -- announced his support for the workers. The workers ultimately were successful through their occupation in winning their legally-owed severance. As a result of the attention drawn to the struggle, the workers were able to find an owner to re-open and run the factory.
Over the last two years, I've written on many occasions about Republic Windows and Doors Occupation as an example of what workers around the country need to do. I thought that as the economic crisis deepened that more workers would be willing to take acts of civil disobedience to stop such action.
I watched a dozen factories close and each time have heard rumors where they promised another factory occupation, but no movement of workers occupation to stop regressive actions emerged until the Wisconsin State Capitol Occupation.
FULL story at link.