Hillary Chabot
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Politicians and taxpayer advocates blasted Gov. Deval Patrick’s labor czar yesterday for attending a pro-union rally and declaring “war” on Wis. Gov. Scott Walker’s collective bargaining crackdown — saying the administration’s open union support doesn’t serve taxpayers’ interests.
“The administration is not on the side of the taxpayer. ... It’s been on the side of the unions and special interests,” said state Rep. Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton), who co-sponsored a bill on Beacon Hill that would strip some collective bargaining rights from state employees. “The rhetoric really needs to be toned down.”
Patrick officials scrambled to distance themselves yesterday from comments by state Department of Labor chief George Noel, who told the crowd at a union rally Saturday: “Make no mistake about it. We are at war.”
Patrick’s Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Joanne F. Goldstein called Noel’s comments “a poor choice of words” in a statement yesterday. U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano prompted an outcry last week after he suggested that union members get “a little bloody” in their battle for collective bargaining rights.
FULL story at link.