I forgot to post this when it happened.
http://www.omaha.com/article/20110304/NEWS01/110309852/9Published Friday March 4, 2011
By Paul Hammel
http://www.omaha.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=OW&Date=20110304&Category=NEWS01&ArtNo=110309852&Ref=AR&Profile=1013&maxw=490&maxh=275Stenberg addresses Friday's rally.
LINCOLN -- About 100 people rallied at the State Capitol on Friday in favor of reforming or eliminating a state court that decides labor impasses between government employers and unions that represent police, firefighters and other public workers.
Speakers, including two Republican candidates for U.S. Senate, said that the Nebraska Commission of Industrial Relations has been an impediment to necessary cuts in government spending.
“The taxpayers are not a bottomless pit of money, but you'd never know that by reading opinions from the CIR,” said State Treasurer Don Stenberg, who announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate this week.
His likely primary opponent, State Attorney General Jon Bruning, said that the CIR has been an obstacle to the cuts government must make in today's challenging economic times.
The rally was organized by the Nebraska chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a tea party related group that advocates limited government. Those attending carried a variety of signs, some reading “Say No to Pork” and “We Stand by Gov. Walker.”
FULL story at link.