Sorry, but the Handicapped, like people on welfare, fall into that Category of people economists refer to as "Last Hired, First Fired". The "Last Hired, First Fired" are those people, that employers will not hired UNLESS no one else is available. Most people who are in the "Last Hired, First Fired" group have some sort of Disability (Many people on Welfare, other then families on Transitional Aid for Needy Families, TANF, are on welfare do to difficulties doing work related activities, showing up for work on time, following instructions, being on task, getting into arguments with co-workers etc). AS you can see, many people in the "Last Hired, First Fired" have mental problems that hinder them in the work force, and as such tend to be the "Last Hired, First Fired" for those reasons. The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) addressed this problem, but employers given a choice between such employees and "normal" employees will opt to keep the "Normal" employee every time. The reason is simple, employers see such "Normal"Employees as more profitable to retain then people who are in the "Last Hired, First Fired" group.
Notice, the above comment relates more to people with mental problems then physical problems.. Let remember that 60% of the people on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are on SSI do to Mental disabilities, for the mental disabilities is what is preventing them from working NOT the physical disabilities. Most people with Physical disabilities have some work background, even before ADA, and this end up on Social Security (Or get Social Security based on their parent's Social Security for they have had the physical problem before they turned age 22). Thus the main effort to get the disabled employed has been as to mental disabilities and those are the most likely to be in the "Last Hired, First Fired" group.