May 11, 2011
Written by JANE ROH
Courier-Post Staff
Gov. Chris Christie called legislative Democrats pickpockets in a display of confrontational rhetoric Tuesday that was not without contortions.
"When they say they only want to raise taxes on some people, keep your hand on your wallet, because they're coming for you next," the Republican governor warned a friendly audience of 350 at the Blue Barn in Evesham. "I guarantee I am the only thing left standing between them and your wallet."
Christie swiftly batted down Democrats' complaint he's turned a blind eye to revenues from the wealthiest Garden Staters, saying that middle-income business owners would also be subject to the so-called millionaires' tax.
On the one-year anniversary of his ballyhooed tool-kit package of reform bills, Christie accused the "do-nothing Legislature" of caring more about campaign coffers than about weary taxpayers.
"You know how we all make up to-do lists? If they had a to-do list, the only item would be to do nothing. And they would check it off. Done.
FULL story at link.