At a time when Congress should be doing everything it can to create and keep jobs here in America, House Republicans will be pushing a special-interest bill Thursday to make it easier for corporations to ship jobs overseas.
The GOP's Job Outsourcers' Bill of Rights would remove the only meaningful remedy available to workers if a company illegally moves operations or eliminates work because workers engaged in protected activities such as organizing a union. An employer can outsource for any reason, except for an unlawful reason. Retaliating against workers for exercising their rights under the National Labor Relations Act is one unlawful reason.
The result would be a disastrous race to the bottom for American workers’ rights, wages, benefits and working conditions. By allowing employers to discriminate against workers who exercise their right to join together and bargain for better wages without an effective remedy, the Republican bill insidiously plays American workers against each other.
"All of these attacks are designed to remove a vital check on corporate power overrunning our democracy," said Rep. George Miller (D-CA) at a press conference on the bill. "Working families don't need smaller paychecks. And workers don't need fewer protections on the job. But that’s what they will get if this bill becomes law.
"So, this is my question: Will the Republican leadership work with us to create good jobs in this country and give Americans the opportunity to get ahead in this economy, or will they continue to only help those who are already ahead?" said Miller.
Facts on to the GOP's Job Outsourcers' Bill of Rights
Aaron Albright
House Education and the Workforce Committee Democrats