November 30
“Fighting Mary” Eliza McDowell, also known as the “Angel of the Stockyards,” born in Chicago. As a social worker she helped organize the first women’s local of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters Union in 1902 – 1854
And this: November 30, 1854 - "Fighting Mary" Eliza McDowell was born. A social worker, McDowell helped organize the first women's local union of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters in 1902. Comprised predominantly of the low-paid women working in packinghouse canning and labeling operations, membership grew to more than 1,000.
Mother Jones died at the Burgess Farm in Adelphi, Md.; “I’m not a lady, I’m a hell-raiser!” - 1930
In Mother Jones Speaks: Speeches and Writings, this brave and determined heroine to millions of workers, active from the end of the Civil War until shortly before her death in 1930, explains her life, her mission, her passion on behalf of working people. Here are her fiery speeches to crowds of striking miners, textile workers, railroad workers and others; her correspondence with political and union leaders of her era -- even newspaper accounts of her activities that include confrontations with police and militia. Included are tributes to Mother Jones, a chronology of her life and activities, and a selected bibliography. This is a must-have for admirers of a true working-class hero. In the UCS bookstore now.
More than 12,000 members of the Insurance Agents Union strike in 35 states and Washington D.C. against the Prudential Insurance Co. - 1951
Unionists and activists shut down World Trade Organization meeting, Seattle, Wash. - 1999
Labor history found here: & here: