Julie Rose
December 6, 2011 from WFAE
Organizers of the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., face a bit of a conundrum as they try to honor their party's deep ties to organized labor in a state with the lowest percentage of unionized workers in the nation. Local businesses worry they'll be passed over for unionized competitors, which are few and far between in the right-to-work state.
But for the few union shops in Charlotte, times are good — if also a bit awkward. At Consolidated Press, Tim Mullaney is forced to maintain something like a secret identity to keep his business going.
"My dad started it in 1966 and it's my little wagon to drag now," says Mullaney.
The secret side of Mullaney's "little wagon" is that it's a union print shop — the only one in Charlotte, aside from a one-man operation that makes memorabilia for firefighters.
Julie Rose/WFAE
Tim Mullaney heads Consolidated Press, one of Charlotte's few union print shops. His business has been contracted for several jobs for the upcoming Democratic National Convention.
FULL story at link.