of the Anti-Union Network:
Center for Union Facts
Continue reading about the Center for Union Facts:
Background | Allies & Tactics | Berman's Front Groups | Don't Trust the 'Facts'
Front Groups Set-Up by Berman to Further Big Business Interests
Richard Berman runs all of the following campaigns out of his offices in Washington, DC, most of which were revealed to pay “huge fees” to his lobbying firm.46 According to a July 2006 profile of Berman in USA Today, his company has 28 employees and earns $10 million dollars a year, but "only Berman and his bookkeeper wife" know how much of the $10 million ends up in their own pockets.47
Center for Union Facts (CUF)
Berman launched this effort in February 2006 with a multimillion dollar PR effort aimed at damaging the public image of unions, depressing workers’ rights, pushing legislation that would make it more difficult for workers to join unions, and furthering an anti-union business climate.