I love traveling, but I'm not rich. Most places that cater to American tourists would drain my travel budget for a whole year within a week or so. My style of travel is decidedly cheap, with an emphasis on guest houses, market stall food, and chicken class buses. It has the added advantage that you actually get to meet people who live in the places you travel to, rather than just other western tourists and service employees, and you get to see life as they see it, for better or worse.
I also love bicycling, and although I ride a lot for recreation and commuting, I've never done any long distance loaded touring. I'm currently reading a couple of books about bicycle touring in Central and South America, and thinking seriously about putting together a long tour within the next year or two. I'm a university professor, and I've reached the point in my life where I'm getting tired of working all summer for free when I could use those three months for traveling/cycling (hmmm, I wonder whether any of my grad students read DU...).
Anyone else like traveling light and cheap? Any other cycling enthusiasts who want to combine their love of cycling with a traveling jones? Check out Tim and Cindie Travis' HUGE website