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Alaskan Cruise

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Longhorn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-30-06 11:07 PM
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Alaskan Cruise
I can't believe it -- I've talked Mr. Longhorn into going on a cruise in August even though we're going to Germany in July. I think this is the result of my "I-don't-remember-agreeing-that-I-would-live-in-the-same-place-the-rest-of-my-life" pout the other night -- the compromise being that if I'm stuck here, we're at least going to travel more. :)

So I've been told we should do the inside passage but other than that, I don't know where to begin to pick a cruise and get the best price. For example, is all that extra money for a balcony -- or even an unobstructed view -- worth it? We had an obstructed view on our Caribbean cruise last November but since there's not that much of a view anyway, it didn't matter. I do like knowing when it's day and night, though. One excursion I think we'd like to do is the train through the Canadian Rockies. One I read about included riding mountain bikes back down the mountain.

Anyone go on one of these cruise and have some recommendations? Thanks! :hi:
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DrDan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-01-06 02:29 PM
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1. for what it is worth, here are my 2 cents
I have been on 1 Alaskan cruise

First I suggest you decide if your priority is the cruise or to see Alaska.

My wife and I enjoyed a 4-5 days on an America West "ship". There were about 40 passengers.

We typically had 2 choices for dinner - they were always very good, but not the many choices of a large cruise line. Breakfast and lunch were similar - couple of choices. No large buffets. There was a baker among the cooking staff of 3 - and her breads were delicious.

A smaller boat has advantages - we could typically get much nearer to the glaciers etc than the large ships. At one point we pulled up next to the shore line to watch some sea lions up close. We did not see any whales until our final morning - and then they were headed in the opposite direction. Being in a small boat allowed us to turn around and "chase" them for a while. That would not be possible on a larger ship. At one point or another, we ate with everyone onboard.

In addition, one evening, an oyster farmer pulled up to our boat in her small dingy and spent a couple of hours with us explaining her oyster farm. She brought along quite a few that were shared with everyone. That kind of experience is limited to boats of this size.

We had an environmentalist on board who provided the commentary about what we were seeing and experiencing.

Everything was very casual. Nothing fancy. Probably a tad more expensive, but to us worth every extra penny.

There were others on the boat who were on the 5th and 6th cruises with America West.

My wife wants to do another - America West will be our choice.

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Longhorn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-01-06 10:05 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. That cruise would fit us to a T in all ways
except money. :( I just looked them up and as wonderful as it sounds -- and it sounds perfect for us! -- the cheapest price for one person is about what we hope to spend on two. But maybe in another year when we're not also going to Germany. Thanks so much for sharing this -- I knew nothing about them before. :hi:
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DrDan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-02-06 06:33 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. then I would certainly suggest you save up and go this way
I cannot say that the folks on-board were Democrats - but I do believe they were all enviromentalists.

They seemed very intelligent and particularly interested in the environmental impact on Alaska. The half-dozen children were well behaved. Except for a few, I would say most were in the 30-50 year range - probably a tad younger than found on most of the larger cruises.

Good luck - and also enjoy your trip to Germany. We lived there for 3 years and miss terribly a good schnitzel, pom frittes and beer.
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WolverineDG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-05-06 06:57 PM
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4. check out
they have a 90-day ticker with incredible deals. You might find something like the America West cruise in a price range that won't make you faint. :)


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Longhorn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-05-06 08:39 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. I did go there and it's a cool site.
However, I decided to strike while the iron was hot (i.e. Mr. Longhorn in agreement. ;)) So I went to a travel agent and she booked us on the Dawn Princess out of Seattle. We got a room with a balcony. We figured if we ever go on a cruise, on this continent anyway, where a balcony is extra nice, this is it! The agent booked the flights, transfers, insurance, etc.

I probably could have saved some money putting this all together on my own but I know if they go through Princess, then they have to hold the ship and rearrange your travel arrangements if your flight is late or you miss your flight home because the ship is late.

I figure people hire my husband to remodel their homes because he knows more about it than they do -- and the travel agent knows more about this stuff than I do. :)

Thanks for the advice, though! When (and if) I'm a seasoned cruiser, I'll probably feel more comfortable doing this myself. I'll say again, that America West Cruise sure sounds fantastic. Mr. L and I really like jazz -- maybe we'll go on one of their jazz cruises some time.
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