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I'm single and no one can travel with me. Any good tours that are either geared to singles

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Maraya1969 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-21-07 09:14 PM
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I'm single and no one can travel with me. Any good tours that are either geared to singles
or help you find a roommate. I loathe the idea of sharing a room with someone that drives me crazy. I really want to go to Europe, mostly England and Paris. I've never been before and I don't want the summer to go by without getting there.

Any information would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

I have a brochure here from "Go Ahead Tours". Don't know if they are good.
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wakeme2008 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-23-07 04:35 AM
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1. I am single and cruise :)
While I normally do upscale cruise lines, pretty much any cruise line works for singles.

My favorites are Seabourn and Regent Seven Seas. :)

Once you pick a line, go to Cruise Critic and you can find out if there are any of their members on that cruise. Chat them up before hand. :)

Both Seabourn and RSSC have single seating dining with open seating. If you find somebody you would like to eat with, you can join them for dinner.

I have an email/forum friend that is a single female ~56 yo that loves Seabourn. Seabourn has something called Hosted Tables which are large tables hosted by one of the ships officers/ entertainers. For singles, you will get an invite to a hosted table every night. You can go or not up to your plans. RSSC has larger ships and have a lot of tables for six. When you go down for dinner, they will ask you if you want to eat alone or join a group. I always join a group and end up with 4 to 5 different people every night to eat with.

Most cruise lines have a singles get together on one of the first days so that you can meet other singles. I never go to these because I am really there for the ports and cruise. LOL I am very happy just watching the ocean outside my window on Seabourn or on my veranda on RSSC.

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riverwalker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-22-07 10:22 AM
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2. I travel alone all over the world
Well, not really "alone" but with a tour group of different companies. Same as you, I don't want to share a room and risk being stuck with someone awful, so I pay the single supplement. My sanity is worth it! I avoid the "singles only" type tours, because I don't travel to hook up, and maybe I am wrong but some have that flavor. I have had good luck with all the tour companies, you have a good mix of people, couples, singles, families. Fellow travelers are very kind to a woman "alone", and admire your gumption.
DON"T LET GOING ALONE KEEP YOU FROM GOING!! You will actually find you prefer it. Your experience is not tainted by anothers perception, and every trip is a special pilgrimage created by you.
Have fun!
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blondie58 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-27-07 10:10 AM
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3. Best of luck to you!
when I was younger, I took two extended (2+ months each) trip to Europe. I would have rather gone with a friend, but no one wanted to save their money, so I traveled alone.

I have no regrets. It was incredibly easy to travel alone in Europe. Generally speaking, the mid European countries are perhaps a little safer etc. You will find more pickpockets in Italy and Greece. A plus is that you are perhaps more approachable, so your experiences might be deeper.

I stayed primarily at youth hostels, where you can meet people to travel with or to do a day trip.

Are you old enough- I think that it is only 50 years of age for Elder Hostel?

Go! Even if you are not on a tour. At every train station, there is the blue international I sign, where they will help you to find a room, get directions, suggestions, etc.
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AnnInLa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-10-07 01:10 PM
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4. I travel solo all of the time, and the best resource
on the internet is . Last year, I signed up in TripAdvisor, started asking questions on the London forum, met some nice people, and planned my whole trip to London with their help. I met a nice lady from Toronto who was to be in London with her hubby at the same time, and staying at the same hotel, so we began emailing each other, so felt like we were the best of friends even before we met up at the London hotel. I was able to hang out with them at night for drinks and dinner most evenings, it was great to have the company....we are still good friends and email all of the time. In addition, TripAdviser (TA) has meet-ups in the large cities, where all of the TA members who are there at that time meet up in a pub or restaurant. I was able to attend 2 TA meet-ups while in London, and met lovely people from Australia, NZ, Great Britain, Canada and the US. Believe me, I wouldn't travel anywhere until I had participated in TA forums, checked out their hotel reviews, and trip reports.

Right now, am planning a September trip to Belgium....Brussels, Brugge, and Leuven. Northwest Airlines has just began service into Brussels, and is offering an introductory rate, which is very good. Wanna come along?

You will love is my favorite city in the world. I could actually move in to one of the art museums and live there if they would let me. I would love to go back soon....but, it is SO expensive! I managed to cut costs alot on my trip last year, so if you have any questions, please ask!
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AnnInLa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-10-07 01:40 PM
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5. Also, check out

I used them for booking my flight and hotel in London. I tried to price the trip independently, for flight and hotel, but couldn't get them cheaper than go-today. I stayed in the Somerset Bayswater hotel (great choice) and double checked it with the members of the London Forum on TripAdvisor.
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Flying Dream Blues Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-17-07 10:41 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. I have also used for a London trip...great flight,
great hotel!
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Eurobabe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-15-07 10:48 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. I can recommend too
made several trips with my daughters, but wouldn't hesitate to go alone with this tour operator, everything ran very smoothly. You can now buy a Garmin navi system (handheld) that has a pedestrian feature (as well as a car navi). You can enter your start point, ie your hotel, and never get lost!

We used gotoday for London and Paris.
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LuckyLib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-11-07 11:08 PM
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6. Check out the recent online Frommer's -- interesting piece on singles travel.
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